
Disclaimer: This is a work of erotic fiction. If you are under the

legal age to read this, or are offended by the idea of male-male

sex or mind control, DO NOT read further.

My name is Jason L. Although I'm just 28, I already have an

extremely successful psychology practice in suburban Boston. I'm

successful because I'm known to get results with relatively little

work on the part of the patient. Real results, in a very short

period of time. If someone wants to quit smoking, for example, I

can accomplish it in just a few sessions, without the patient

feeling deprived, and without them even really noticing any

withdrawal symptoms.

If a couple wants their marriage truly solidified and improved,

I can do it. If someone has an intractable weight problem, I can

modify their behavior to the point that they emerge as healthy

eaters. If someone brings me a child with ongoing behavioral

issues, I can fix them up, usually without doing damage to their

underlying personality.

I haven't published my techniques because I'm sure they would be

very controversial, and I'm not exactly sure how they would be

received by the professional societies, not to mention the

government. It all comes out of work I did at school, both in

college and my graduate program in Cambridge, Where I concentrated

on mapping elements of personality and self in specific areas of

the brain. While work has already been done in that area, I far

outstripped my professors in understanding, in minute detail, how

to find very particular personal characteristics, and then --

here is the secret of my success -- I developed a machine, which

I kept in a somewhat obscure corner of James Hall, that enabled

me to perform direct modifications to those personality elements.

It required years of experimentation, which I did mostly on

heavily drugged patients with deep psychoses, to uncover what I

did, and learn how to stimulate the appropriate brain areas and

connecting neural paths in order to, say, eliminate the

psychological portion of an addiction, or dull or eliminate a

debilitating memory, or even soften a longstanding hatred. So

naturally in the course of this research, I also found out where

loves, lusts, admirations, and even preferred tastes and other

elements are kept. And with its modification capability, my

machine is a much more accurate version of hypnotherapy.

While a hypnotist inducing a trance may lead the subject down an

imaginary staircase, I have the map of the ACTUAL staircase as I

use electric stimuli on the right regions of the brain to lead the

subject through deeper and deeper layers of his "self". And

through the use of drugs that lower his inhibitions, I can have

him describe to me each step of the staircase, what memories and

keys to personality elements it contains. And with my secret

innovation, I can then use small shocks from the machine to delete

or even (with those suggestibility drugs) make substitutions for

the memories and personality elements along the way. Of course,

there is as much art as science in performing a nondisruptive

substitution, and sometimes some personality element may be hiding

somewhere I can't find it, but I have learned a lot in these

procedures, and I do succeed at most of what I try in the way of

personality replacement.

I believe I have benefited society greatly with this innovation.

In addition to accurately curing psychological problems, I have

taken people who were pretty worthless to society due to some

large personal issues, and freed them to become valuable to others

by overriding those problems. I have also helped many ordinary

people get past otherwise impassable mental blocks. And despite

the secret power of this machine, I have generally operated it

responsibility, never using it for personal gain.

Okay, so maybe I violated ethics a tad when a gorgeous graduate

student strolled into my office and wanted help quitting smoking.

In a few short sessions, Kevin had given up smoking, his fiancee,

and his business major, had switched to studying psychology, and

had become my "wife" and assistant. (I haven't yet had the nerve

to legalize the "marriage" under Massachusetts law.) But how have

I hurt anyone? He and that harpy of his wouldn't have been happy

together, she has no doubt by now latched onto a new victim, and

he and I are VERY happy. Whatever I want, he wants too. (With a

short visit to my therapy room, that is.) Don't we just make a

perfect match?

We have two adopted sons. They are perfect examples of why my

machine is such a benefit to society. Hector, 17, was a

particularly sadistic Salvadoran gang member since he was about

12. His mother died in childbirth, his father was in prison, and

he was nominally part of a foster family, but they never had any

control over him and never knew where he was while he was out

running with the gang, which was most of the time. He was (and

is) covered in tattoos, and kept himself in the fantastic shape

any aspiring gang leader needs to be in.

Patrick, 16, came from the south side of Boston, from a series

of foster families that couldn't keep him because he grew to 6'7"

and graduated from pounding on his siblings to beating up his

foster parents. He's got long straight black hair. smooth ivory

skin and a young face, but his long arms, well-defined pecs and

biceps, and pronounced eight-pack stomach easily intimidate

anyone who gets the first impression that he is just an overgrown

innocent kid.

Neither of these two had any possible place in society. The state

didn't know what to do with them. They were about to move on from

chronic juvenile delinquency to truly dangerous adulthoods. So

when each of them was brought to me for an attempted 'cure' by a

friend in the child welfare office, nobody asked too many

questions, or really cared about the results. They just wanted

those two off their books. And I saw an opportunity to try out

my methods in a new field: criminal rehabilitation. I could give

these lost kids another chance at a decent life.

I used my machine to break these two down, discarding personality

layer after personality layer, so I could strip them to ground zero

and start rebuilding them the way I wanted them. I dug deeper and

deeper, clearing out some memory areas, reprogramming wants and

needs, loyalties and goals. I erased many of the memories of their

out-of-control earlier lives. I'm not sure I successfully replaced

ALL parts of their previous personalities, but the new ones I put

in their place seemed to take hold.

The new Hector and Patrick were respectful, friendly, helpful, and

liked to dress well. I couldn't take the chance of releasing them

into the public at large -- I wasn't absolutely certain of the

permanence of their reprogramming, and they wouldn't have had any

place to go anyway -- so I decided to try to provide them a good

life with Kevin and me. To make them feel comfortable around the

two of us, and to keep them out of possible girlfriend-pregnancy

issues that would certainly open our family life to unwanted

scrutiny, I made them both gay (the first time I had ever done

that with anybody), but I didn't cause them to be attracted to

anyone specific; I thought I'd let their taste in men develop

naturally. I certainly didn't want them attracted to ME, because

that could cause conflicts with my wonderful loving relationship

with Kevin. Besides, they were certainly too young for my taste.

While I tried to subdue most of their nastier alpha male

characteristics during their reprogramming, I guessed there were

probably enough of those elements still around that they'd be

natural tops. That would make it easy for them to find partners,

since Hector's rippling tattoos and Patrick's large powerful

body and innocent face would be major attractions for any bottom.

Both boys got good grades in their new school in my neighborhood.

Patrick was the star of the basketball team, since he was one of

the largest boys, and was willing to invest the time and effort

to learn how to play well. As for Hector, although I had not

explored that area of his mind, he seemed to have great soccer

instincts that maybe came from his early childhood among other

Latino kids.

And, what a surprise, there turned out to be some intelligence

hidden under their earlier thuggish demeanors. My machine can't

increase anyone's innate intelligence, of course, but once freed

from other major problems, it's amazing what the mind can do.

It's like cleaning years of tarnish off an old piece of silver,

and discovering something truly beautiful shining underneath.

Both boys showed an interest in learning new skills that they

had never demonstrated in their earlier lives.

Soon, I was using Hector to help me with the mechanics of

handling patients. With him at the machine's controls, I would

call out the numbers of the brain areas I wanted stimulated,

while I would stand next to the patient and "burn in" the new

memories and personality elements I wanted to implant in them.

Hector got quite good at this, and after the first few tries

he never made a mistake in locating the right area.

I remember the first patient I let him use the machine on

without feeling the need to watch over his shoulder to see

every button he pressed. The patient was a college student who

wanted to stop smoking. After administering the drugs and

hooking him to the machine, and with Hector at the controls,

I guided him down the "staircase" as I moved towards his

addiction center.

As we reached the right point, I said to him, "You've just

finished a really satisfying meal in the cafeteria. What do

you want now?" as Hector stimulated area 881b. "A cigarette..."

he mumbled. I signaled Hector, who triggered the "replace"

stimulus. "No, what you really want right now is a piece of

sugar-free gum," I said, holding a stick over the eyes of the

patient. "It really hits the spot to chew this piece of

sugar-free gum. It satisfies a really basic need. Yes, you

really desire a piece of sugar-free gum." The repetition

helped burn the substitute addiction into the stimulated

memory location. I had Hector move around the area and

stimulate areas along different paths as I said, "You know

how great the flavor is, you like to chew the sugar-free gum

for a long time until all the flavor is out," and so on. And

in another area, "You feel how enjoyable it is to your mouth

to chew the sugar-free gum, your tongue likes the feel of the

sugar-free gum", and so on.

After about an hour of this, the session was done. I looked

at the patient with a degree of satisfaction. He wouldn't

know exactly why, but from now on, whenever the student

reached this part of his "program" in real life, he would

no longer think of a cigarette, but would seek the harmless

substitute instead. He wouldn't know about the machine, he

would just know I cured him with my miracle therapy. And he

would certainly recommend me to his friends.


A few weeks ago I learned the limitations of my abilities. I

discovered that I missed several crucial areas of my sons'

old personalities that emerged without my realizing it, until

it was too late. As Hector's old self began to re-emerge,

like a man struggling to get out of a straitjacket, he was

evidently helped by Patrick, whose old self was also not

completely gone. Their efforts reinforced each other. I found

out the hard way one Saturday afternoon.

I am usually an early riser, but when I looked at the clock

by the bed, I saw that it was already one in the afternoon.

I was feeling what was clearly the aftereffect of being

drugged. I shortly recognized the symptoms; it was the from

the drug I used to weaken inhibitions and resistance when I

used the personality modification machine! What had happened?

As I stirred, Hector looked into the room. "Ah, you're up.

Good. Get out of bed," he ordered. I was about to protest

his tone, but instead I found myself pulling off the covers

and climbing out of bed. I looked at Hector; he seemed

different in some way. More powerful. More masculine. More

commanding. I couldn't help admiring the total confidence in

this MAN. The sinews in his arms rippled under his tattoos.

I shook my head; what was I thinking? Where did all that

come from?

"Down on your hands and knees," he ordered. And without the

slightest thought or hesitation on my part, I found myself

before him on my hands and knees! He climbed on my back.

"OK, pretend that you're my little pony. Take me to the

treatment room. NOW!" And again without a thought I carried

him out of the room, and down the hall to the room where I

conducted my machine therapy sessions. It was clear to me now

that I had been drugged and put on the machine, and

reprogrammed in some way. It clearly forced my absolute

obedience to his every command. And yet there was something

more to it, too. What else had he put there?

Once we got into the treatment room, I saw a chilling sight.

There on the therapy chair, head covered with the electrode

cap, was my beloved Kevin. Standing over him and checking the

attachments was Patrick. Hector climbed off me and ordered me

to stand in the corner while they reprogrammed Kevin. He told

me I was not allowed to say anything unless he told me to.

Using the technique I had taught him, Hector began the process

of "going down the staircase" with Kevin. He did so somewhat

crudely, but quite effectively, as I could tell from Kevin's

responses along the way. I had no idea what he and Patrick

had planned for Kevin, but in any case, under Hector's

compulsion, I was a helpless bystander.

I can't exactly describe why I couldn't just step forward

and stop them. It was as if I was standing on a narrow ledge,

above a deep chasm I couldn't even see the bottom of, and in

order not to fall off the ledge I had to completely obey

Hector. When he gave an unclear command, I would start to

break out in a sweat in deadly fear of not complying exactly

with the order. I hated the sensation, but there was

absolutely nothing I could do about it. The power of my own

mind was being used against me.

Hector was approaching Kevin's core personality areas. And he

knew just where he wanted to go. "OK, let's go to the area

around 2121c. That's the center of his lust images." Hector

pressed the stimulate button. Kevin's facial expression

changed immediately, to one of total desire, and he licked

his lips.

"Kevin, what do you see?" asked Hector.

I knew what the answer would be; I put it there myself. Kevin

mumbled, "It's Jason. God, he's gorgeous. I want him so

badly..." One by one, Hector stimulated nearby linked areas.

"Ooh, it's Jason's smooth torso. Aah, his firm butt. Mmmm..."

Hector stopped the stimulations.

Patrick spoke up. "All right, go back to the main area, and

hit it with the 'replace' signal." Hector pushed the buttons.

"It's Jason's beautiful face..." murmured Kevin. "No, it's

Patrick. You're seeing my feet," said Patrick, lifting his

long lean foot into Kevin's line of vision. Hector giggled.

Patrick continued: "You lust totally after my feet. In fact,

your sex life is all about feet. You notice all men's feet

longingly, as a symbol of your inferiority to them. You

study them, you compare them, you check shoe sizes, you

sniff any old socks or sneakers you can find. You are so in

need of feet that you can't ever cum without a guy's foot on

top of your dick. But the most incredible, powerful,

beautiful feet in the world are mine. You love their perfect

look." He held his foot over Kevin's glazed eyes. "OK, Hec,

another nearby one." Hector pushed the button. "You love the

odor of my feet. You're always checking my laundry basket

for socks, you're always sniffing the sheets at the bottom

of the bed, so you can get a whiff of that odor. It drives

you wild, and it gives you the uncontrollable urge to jerk


Hector stimulated another nearby area. "You love the taste

of my feet. You love licking off the sweat, the toe jam,

even the dirt if I'm walking around barefoot. When you see

me sitting down anywhere, you desperately want to serve my

feet by being my footrest. You get totally excited giving

me foot massages. There is more power in one of my feet

than in your entire body. You were born to serve my feet.

Sometimes, you sneak into my room at night hoping I'll be

asleep so you can quietly kneel and worship my feet."

Although Hector wasn't hitting all the sub-areas in exactly

the right order, what he was doing was close enough. As

Patrick intoned more and more about his feet and Kevin's

lust for and worship of them, I could see the acceptance

in Kevin's eyes as his internal programming was slowly,

inexorably changing. His new personal characteristics were

sinking deep into his subconscious. And from now on, as

the days went forward, if Patrick reinforced the new

programming correctly, it would go deeper and deeper into

him and become more and more difficult to change.

Impossible, in fact, since Hector had ordered me never to

use the machine on Kevin. So Kevin, my beautiful graduate

student wife, would be forever lost to me, and would become

an obsessed foot worship slave. He might sleep in my bed,

but his true heart would be at Patrick's feet.

Hector explored further. "Over in area 2188, that's where

he keeps people and things he admires." When Hector

stimulated this area, Kevin mentioned several names:

Abraham Lincoln, Ben Franklin, his father, and a

neurological link down to list in another area. Hector

stimulated "replace", and then both Patrick and Hector

leaned over Kevin's face, and placed themselves at the top

of the primary list. "You admire your sons. You admire

Hector because he has an unbendable masculine will that

you must obey, he is more of a dominant male than anyone

you've ever met. You admire Patrick because he is God's

most physically perfect male creation, and he has used

that to take you over and protect you, for your own good.

Both your sons are much greater than you, and you love,

admire and obey them."

Hector moved to a different area. "Here's where he keeps

his favorite tastes, in both food and drinks, and his

favorite teste-linked smells." He pushed the stimulate

button. Immediately, Kevin said he saw "roast turkey...

apple pie..." Patrick stood his 6'7" frame on a chair

next to the machine, and whipped out his hard 9.5" cock

for Kevin to examine. He told Hector to hit "replace",

and said "Your favorite taste is any fresh hot liquid from

this cock. The most incredibly wonderful taste is the hot

white protein drink that comes when you please me. You

even secretly love the taste of the hot frothy piss

produced by this cock, and will sneak into the bathroom

after I have used it to see if there are any loose drops

on the floor or around the rim.

"And here is you favorite smell," he said, rubbing his

cock directly under Kevin's nose. Helplessly, Kevin slowly

inhaled and smiled dreamily. "You will always remember that

smell and it will make you hungry and horny whenever you

smell it." Sure enough, Kevin licked his lips and there

was a noticeable stirring in his crotch.

The boys continued their reprogramming of Kevin, converting

him into their willing, worshipful slave. And I stood right

there and helplessly let it happen. In a way, I envy Kevin.

At least he gets personal and sexual satisfaction from his

enslavement. In my case, the boys did nothing to change my

lusts, desires, tastes, etc. All they seem to have done was

to make obeying them, and being in awe of them, the very

essence of my being. So I get no pleasure out of serving

them. I just have absolutely no choice in the matter. I

think Hector actually likes the fact that when I jump to

serve him, or wiggle my ass playfully in the air to be

brutally fucked by him, I hate it but can do nothing about


Kevin has stopped being my office assistant. He tried to

continue at it for awhile, but was always staring at

patients' feet, and doodling pictures of his head under

someone's feet on patients' charts. I couldn't take his

obsession any more, even though I knew it wasn't his fault.

I let him spend his days surfing fetish Web sites, digging

through Patrick's laundry basket looking for smelly treats

to chew on, and attending to Patrick's feet whenever they

are available to him.

Outwardly, I continue to be allowed to have my own

professional life as before. This is convenient to Hector

and Patrick because it generates a good income, and no

one from the outside knows that anything is different.

If Hector is in a playful mood during a patient's therapy,

he might program them with some obscure fetish that they

might discover later when it's triggered -- say, the

desire to lick a man's hairy armpits, or the need to beg

to be fucked whenever they meet someone named "Hector."

There is of course nothing I can do or say about this.

And Hector's favorite forward for the Boston Celtics, who

comes to me for psychological coaching, will soon find

himself begging to serve his new Latin teen daddy. Of

course Hector plans to refuse him at first, calling him

pervert and faggot and slamming the door in his face.

The unfortunate guy will be disgusted and hate himself

for what he's doing, but he will be compelled to try

again and again. Eventually, Hector may be gracious

enough that if offered, say, a car, he might let the

guy's long tongue find satisfaction in Hector's love

chute, and maybe also in the asses of the guy's own

friends. Naturally, Hector is smart enough not to do any

physical damage that might hurt his toy's career. He just

wants the guy's unconditional love and absolute obedience.

Is that too much to ask?

We have what it takes to have a truly happy family. I

love my wife, Kevin. And we both love our boys. We

worship our boys. We obey our boys. And that is the

secret of my success.


Comments welcome at Is this story

done, or should Hector and Patrick explore their newfound

powers over more of Jason's patients or their school

classmates or teachers? Certainly Jason could offer them

free sessions. What about the possibility of modified

group therapy sessions for athletes, somewhat perverse

family and marriage counseling, or perhaps adding to or

subtracting something from a local celebrity?
